Hi All, I’m in the process of shopping for conventional finiancing and I understand that getting a fannie mae is the best option (currently running @ 6.5% fixed, 30yr) but apparently not only do you have to meet their 90% occupancy and less than 5% POH’s plus great infrastructure (city water/sewer,paved streets, etc) they wont touch the older parks, they only want the newer 4-5 star parks (you know swimming pools, rec rooms, nice curbs, flowers, movie stars - basically “beverly hills” type parks.
There’s also word that some banks commit for fannie then bail out and keep the upfront loan fees as a practice.
Can someone confirm the difficulty of the fannie package and what are some of the best banks and going rates for 30y fixed conventional finiancing for parks that fall under the above park description?
Thanks -james