Concrete Repair

A tenant requested repair on the following section of concrete:Dropbox - Error this be a potential liability issue?What is the best way to repair something like this?  Tear it out and repour it?

The tenant has warned you, and can probably make this an issue if she were to fall ( wink wink) In the long run, if would be best to repair and keep the tenant happy and prevent any lawsuit.

Yes I would think you would need to tear up and repoir

This may be a naive question, but where do you draw the line on who pays for what? If this is a lot rent only, is the park owner responsible because the concrete slab is part of the land?

In a lot rent only, the park owner owns everything but the trailer. Why would be not be responsible?

Again, I think it is cheaper to fix. The tenant warned that the walk is an issue, do not give them a reason to sue. They see dollars signs

Makes sense. Thanks for the clarification on that Dean.