Clean crayons & stickers

Can anyone give me an idea how to remove crayon marks & stickers from paneling. I should have asked Pete at the MHM 6, but I just ran out of time, he was a very popular speaker ( and very entertaining ) — I want to paint the paneling but it is just plastered with kids small stickers & crayon marks. There are also stickers on the doors. Someone suggested a product called Goof-Off… Also maybe a good paint I could use for the paneling.


I’m not sure how you do this, but why don’t you email Pete directly and ask? I’m sure he has a solution. Also, can you post the answer for everyone once you find out?

Pete’s email address:



Sounds like a total gut job to me. I built a bedroom in the basement and when I left home my nephew took over the room and found some sort of puffy paint. There were also BB’s, and a few holes punched in the walls. Of course it was a gut job, and. only required a little work

Really, soap and water should get rip of the stickers with some elbow grerase. As for the crayons, and very fine grain of sand paper and a light tough should do the trick. If you have to use too much pressure and the damage is minimal, a light stain will cover the scuff marks.

The Magic Eraser will easily removed crayons from paneling…and even permanent markers from drywall. Soak the stickers with water & use a putty knife to remove…Goof Off should work as well, if not, go to the wallpaper dept at HD or Lowe’s and they have some products that should help.