Catering a MHP to just sex offenders?

i’m new to mobile home park investing and excited about getting started. What kind of challenges could I face if my go to strategy is renting to sex offenders? potentially, I could restrict it to people who have not re-offended in five years. I suppose the cities could try to come down hard on me for any code violation they could find to shut me down, I suppose there could be lawsuits. But also it could be a really profitable strategy with charging high rents to people who can’t live anywhere else very easily. I know there are other pervert parks, but not a lot of them. Any reason more people haven’t made this their go to strategy? Would you recommend a different path forward? Thank you.

I would consult an excellent attorney to discuss this with you who is very knowledgeable. You can get yourself into a heap of trouble quickly if you take the wrong approach here.

You may have difficulty selling a property like this in the future. You will also be dealing with threats from locals potentially and/or issues with local governments. You may also find it difficult to obtain financing potentially. Obtaining insurance may or may not be a hurdle. You will at some point end up in the local headlines- especially nowadays. You will likely be spending money on an attorney more than you normally would or should as long as you own the property. You will likely have to contend with the issue of “discrimination” as well if you need to evict.

Personally, I wouldn’t go down this road if it’s your first deal.

Tread lightly and seek proper legal advice if you’re going to go down this path.

I’m not sure the juice is worth the squeeze for a couple extra bucks IMO.

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