CASH Program and selling homes

I fully understand your concern, but there are some things you are doing that are contributing to your problem. While the internet is great, the stats are that on-line traffic to mobile homes represents roughly 75% of volume but only 25% of closings, while the old-fashioned methods bring in 25% of traffic but 75% of closings. I would rather get one walk-in a day from a sign on the street than 3 calls from Craigslist. The old-fashioned methods draw better educated customers who more seem to meet most mobile home park profiles and, as a result, buy or rent more.

So then the question is: how do I market the old-fashioned way. Here are the top ten methods:

  1. Resident referral letter. Offer all existing residents $250 off their lot rent if they bring in someone who buys or rents.

  2. Banner on your road frontage that says “New Homes for Sale from $___ per month”. Make it huge and obnoxiously visible. Put some feather flags along the frontage, too, to grab attention.

  3. Signs in windows and yards that say "Home for Sale (___) -____.

  4. Penant streamers on the homes to draw attention to them (in colors to match your feather flags.

  5. Clearly mark with easy signage where the office is, for drop-by traffic.

  6. Put some more feather flags at the office so you cannot possibly miss it. And make it look clean and inviting.

  7. Put “tear sheets” (8 1/2" x 11" paper with your offering and vertical phone numbers on the bottom cut like fringe) in all local laundromats and grocery stores.

  8. Classified ad under “mobile homes for rent” (not under sale, because mobile home park customers often assume they won’t qualify) in your largest metro newspaper.

  9. Direct mail campaign to all Class B, C and D apartment complexes with the headline “Why Rent When You Can Own”. Ship out at least a few hundred or more.

  10. Put up some bandit signs on major corners on weekends, just like the stick-built people do.

Now, that being said, you still won’t sell anything unless your manager:

  1. Answers the phone.

  2. Is knowledgeable on the MONTHLY RATE and not saying things like “the homes are $45,000”.

  3. Set up appointments

  4. Show up at appointments

  5. Have applications at the ready

  6. Have an erasable board that shows all vacant homes, # beds and baths, and monthly estimated cost.

If you follow all of the above, you will definitely get your homes sold.

However, Carl is exactly correct – you are too early in the season due to the severe weather this year. The prime selling season starts with tax refunds but does not end until about September. You still have time to make all this happen. You have not missed the season.

Remember that it takes 3 calls for 1 showing, and 3 showings for one sale/rental. Mystery shop your manager. Better yet, port the park the number through Who’s Calling and capture exactly how many customers called and listen to the recordings. Better yet, also call these customers and find out why they didn’t buy (you may hear over and over “the manager never showed up”).

Based on what you are saying, I’m confident you can get this turned around if you follow the above steps.