Bird Dogging?

Anybody ever bird dog parks?

I occasionally run into parks not listed, but owner wants to sell. If it is something that I am not interested in, I would like to refer them to others that may be interested. Of course, for a small fee. :wink:


I am in California and would be interested in any referrals of parks for sale that you come across here, with a referral fee of course.



The only one I know of now is a park near Pittsburgh, PA. But I will let you guys know if I come across in your areas.


I am in So California in San Bernardino & Riverside, if you come across any small park deal. Thanks - James

I’m happy to pay a referral fee for unlisted parks I would not become aware of otherwise. My current MHP is in Oklahoma, but I invest nation-wide.

My criteria are:

  1. Reasonable cap rate

  2. 30% or greater vacancy so I can have some upside by doing Lonnie Deals and filling the park

90%+ full parks priced to perfection are not of interest to us. Please feel free to give me a call anytime if you have questions and/or just want to run something by me.



(650) 281-7778