
Why do we write and post our thoughts? Fundamentally, to communicate and exchange ideas with other like- minded people and thereby learn from each other, I suppose; the pursuit of wealth which we believe will improve the quality of our lives seems to be our moral, reasonable, common attribute. I write to support the efforts of the many friends I have made within this open community, including those whom I have not personally met as yet. Of course, wealth is relative and can be defined only by and for the individual in pursuit of it. I have found in my life that people who consider themselves wealthy and have earned their wealth through their honest, personal efforts, seem to be the happiest and most content with life itself. They are easy to approach and exceedingly generous with their advice and deeds, if asked. On the other hand, if one finds comfort and satisfaction within the common, not to be degraded, one should acknowledge that it precludes a truly wealthy existence. For myself, I define wealth simply as the economic and social circumstance that permits me to do what I want, when I want, without ever infringing on the rights of another person. A good, very wealthy friend said it best: