Background Checks... who are you using?

Curious who everybody is using these days for background checks. I’m on Rent Manager and think they may have a solution but not sure if it is commonly used. I’d be curious to hear your process for approving tenants and what service (if any) you are using for background checks. Thanks!!!

I’m needing this too.

Transunion smartmove. It’s up to $44 now. Ohio mha has a group rate where it’s a little cheaper.

Background check does credit, criminal, evictions, and estimate income.

I recommend you verify income outside of the background check.

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I don’t believe background checks can be utilized randomly. I think it has to be done for ALL applicants even if you know them well. You also need I believe a written policy regarding your evaluations of background check. You can run afoul of discrimination law. Everything has kept filed and documented in case you have to justify your decision…

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I would like to hear from others on who they use and any policies they have ties to the use.
