Background Check companies?

What good companies are out there that dont charge a monthly fee to use? Recommendations?? Thanks!

I use Transunion’s SmartMove. You can pay for the background check yourself or have the prospective tenant pay.

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I use AmRent which is integrated with my rent manager. The prospects pay the fees when filling out the application. No fee to the landlord except the annual $150 compliance fee

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Turbo tenant!

It’s so easy to use, the reports are great, the prospect pays the fee directly to them, and there is no setup.

We were originally going to use amrent since it integrates with rent manager, but the setup was way too onerous. They literally wanted to come to my personal residence and do an inspection to make sure I have a locking file cabinet (???) among other things. I was not about to waste the space in my house on an empty file cabinet just so I can do online background checks… Ridiculous.

For turbo tenant all you need is prospect name and phone number or email address. They do the rest.

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Thanks for the replies, will check out. Welcome for more sites also.

Has anybody tried Buildium’s process for screening? We are using Zillow and TransUnion Smartmove?

We use it, it’s generally fine

Buildium looks to have a monthly fee and for larger users. Yes?