ABT water meters and billing

Had a bad experience with the last company I tried so I’m replacing all my meters. I’m in WI as far as weather conditions.

Looking for meters and a company that will read and bill tenants directly.

I see a fair amount of negative feedback online about ABT but to be fair some appears to be from residents.
Has anyone used this company and would you recommend?

Ive used them and Metron meters for over 5 yrs. Youre always going to find a few negative stories on every company. If I were in Wisc I would definitely use ABT. I sometimes wish I had the meter with the heat sensor for the line so I could see the dead heat tapes that need replaced. Not sure if those are a big seller or not.

Thanks for the info.

Who do people like for electric sub metering in Florida? It’s tough to choose! I need some refferals before I decide

Look into Metron… it is who we use and have always liked.

@bcmhp… I have extensive experience with ABT. We once used ABT on four (4) different communities. The only positive aspect of ABT is they use Metron meters.

The straw that “broke the camels back” was when we refused to pay for work they did not complete as contracted and then they threatened to cut off all our services and take us to court. Also, while ABT uses Metron meters, they use an older WIFI technology that requires a base station and active internet. They once tried providing us with a third-party cellular alternative, but they could not get the communication working.

We removed all of ABT’s water meters, sold them to another community at a major discount, and went directly to Metron. Metron uses cellular that does not require internet. Meteon’s cellular meters additionally monitor water temperature (which ABT’s do not), and sends out alerts to whomever you designate to warn BEFORE there is a freeze. Metron has “Waterscope” that both you as the property owner for all accounts, AND individually as the homeowner can access their individual account. Waterscope has allowed us to pinpoint exactly when a leak occurred in a home and exactly when it was repaired. We have had several tenants with major leaks who would get them repaired, but when they got their bill, they argued they never had a leak. We log into Waterscope, go to their account and print out the data showing them exactly when the leak occurred and when it was repaired.

Having first used Badger meters with numerous forms of readers, then ABT who at the time we started using them was the only game in town, and finally when Metron saw how successful ABT was, they ended up getting into the business competing directly with their own customer. Only Metron has a lot more money and invests heavily into their technology and we have since been 100% happy with Metron with one caveat, Metron’s product and service works great, but thier accounting sucks! Our only problems with Metron has been with the AR/AP department.

Good luck and Happy New Year!

Thanks- does Metron bill and collect for you as well or just supply the accounting so you can bill the tenants?

Good question that I do not know the answer as we have Metron integrated with Rent Manager and bill directly. You could reach out to our representative and ask him:

Bill Baird
Director of Marketing
Metron Sustainable Services
5665 Airport Blvd, Boulder, CO 80301
Direct: 720-826-1174
Office: 303-449-8833 Ext. 126
Email: bill.baird@metron-s2.com

Also, when I say their AR/AP sucks, I mean when it comes to billing you as the customer for their services. I believe Metron has recently been acquired by a larger Canadian company, so we can only hope that their AR/AP improves.