Want to sell park so need an appraiser

I am looking at selling my small park in NE Ohio and really do not know the value. Can anybody recommend a good appraiser for that part of the country?


I’m interested in buying your park. Can you tell me about it.

(907)715-6956 phone or text

Well, there are some estate issues involved here, so a full-blown appraisal is a must.

Got to wheathill.net and you can get a lot of info. I really do not know the value of it and that is one big reason for an appraisal. I’m also filling it up with RVs from the nearby Shell cracker plant and I do not know what affect, if any, that has on value.

Chuck Schierbeck at Colliers is located in Columbus. 614 437 4690

Good morning, I’m from NE Ohio and in the mobile home/park business. Did you find what you needed?

Yes, I called Chuck and I think he can do the job.


I may be interested in purchasing. wroberts6363@gmail.com