Subdividing a MHP

Can a mobile home park be subdivided after its built?

Trying to separately demise lots for financing purposes.

Is there a way to legally demise a lot without formally subdividing?

thanks in advance

I don’t know this word “demise” in this context but probably yes, you cannot legally separate land from your parcel without subdividing.

Demise means separate out from the larger lot.
Is there a way to split a lot from the larger whole without triggering subdivision land use controls?

Im not sure if your talking about breaking out into individual lots ? I have an MH parcel i am subdividing off a few SFH off but have to convert those to R1 to make it work and have to conform to current setbacks for the MHP and the SFH. In theory this should all work after my preliminary talks with the city and starting the process . In a month or two should be able to tell you in actuality :slight_smile: if it worked for me or not :slight_smile: