Sealed Well concerns

Anything I need to be concerned about on wells that were sealed 10 years ago? Property was converted to all municipal utilities but apparently state/county still requires well to be recorded at closing. Didn’t even cross my mind until i saw recording fee on settlement statement. My contract is standard F&D so strong but figured I’d throw it out there anyhow.

Some states allow you to keep wells that are not in use some don’t. Many cities require the Wells to be permanently abandoned i.e pumped full of cement in order to connect with their water. Check with the appropriate regulatory and or local well company to find out what the regulations are. Then check with the municipality. They may say different things.

Did anything come up on the Phase 1 pertaining to this ( i.e. paperwork for closure ) . You might want to review that as well.

Nope. Spoke to state and all set with evidence of sealing documents. Thanks everyone.