Omaha Under Contract - Questions about zoning, city, code enforcement, ect


I have a park in Omaha under contract.

It is currently zoned GI, not MH. I am guessing it’s going to be legal non-conforming. Does that mean that I have to adhere to the former site plan? Where do I get that site plan? Due to lot sizes, it might be a necessity to change it up later based on what homes I can get.

I asked about any open code enforcement issues and the lady was zero help. She just states the state deals with mobile home parks.

Does anyone have experience with Nebraska or Omaha parks?



You will have to adhere to the prevailing setbacks and lot sizes with a grandfathered Park.

I have a hard time believing the city performs zero code enforcements just because it’s an MHP. See if there is a formal records request process that can get the ball rolling - I had to do this for a Park in Kansas to get in touch with the right people.

The state’s MHA should be able to help too.