Looking for a Park for a 1031Purchase

Please let me know if you have a park you would like to sell or assign. I am actively looking.

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We have three small parks within the metro of Greenville, SC. However, we own most of the homes. We love lot rent only parks, but we are different from most people on this forum. We also love POH. We/I have rented homes and/lots for about twenty years. Both ways have their advantages, but mobile homes are so cheap We like renting the homes. It will usually pay for itself in 2/3 years which is a tremendous return. One of the three parks has 15 homes of which 10 are park owned. The second park has 11 homes of which 9 are park owned. The third park is all park owned with 38 homes. If you have a good manager, and we do, I prefer POH because of the income. These three parks bring in app. $40000 a month. The only reason we would sell is to purchase a $6m park which is all POH. We don’t have the resources other wise.
Call if you have any interest. Willie at 864 313 1998

I have 2 near Chico, Ca which is a growing college town and close to scenic Mt Shasta/ Redding area