Contractors for Tucson, AZ?


I have a park under contract in Tucson, AZ but I’m looking to reach out to the plumbers, electricians, repairmen, and management services in the area as part of Due Diligence, obviously. Anyone that folks on here can recommend or have worked with? I’m also interested in filling the two vacant lots as soon as possible so perhaps some MH dealers as well.

Thanks for your help!


We have two small parks in Tucson and we have used some vendors:

  1. Silverado Plumbing: 520-696-0000
  2. Sovereign Electrical, Contact Aaron: 520-488-9959
  3. Repairman - we have an on site handyman. But if you need somebody who is professional (more expensive), I will recommend Ralph: 619-778-4709
    4)Management company - I used one and did not have good experience so I switched to on site manager which works much better.

Please mentioned Jerry Zhao when you talk to them.

Good luck!


Thank you for the helpful information! I really appreciate it. I’m just curious what you pay your manager and what their responsibilities are. This park has about half as POHs, which I hope to sell to the tenants if I buy, but I am just curious. If you want to shoot me an email, it is

Thanks again!