Call to Operators to Assist Med workers During pandemic who have RV Spaces ( Or RVs)

This is a Facebook group that attempts to pair Health Care workers along with RV owners, people who might be better off isolating in an RV who are working the front line on this so they don’t have to brig it home often at risk family members.

Do your own DD and understanding your risks ( no affiliation ) just see a spot where we can assist in our Niche.

I know there are a lot of operators with a lot of properties some im sure of which will allow RVs. Please consider stepping up at this time in a spot that we may be perfectly suited for us to help.

This is people who are leaving there families to help the greater good , wouldn’t it be something to be able to help especially if you have RV Spaces?

Heres the general overview.

It will ask you a question about what you have to offer ( put spaces) , then once you are approved, post what you have available , and then link it with the topic ( for the respective state) to help people field and filter.

Thanks for considering this.

I think the appeal is to be able to get it at the home if you can ( the RVs) but think there is some limitation on hookups ( power water sewer) . So I dont know how large a potential demand is but figured this might be something worthwhile. We had posted spaces a couple weeks back to hospital people in our local FB groups , so it was great seeing this concept being an actual thing.


Thanks for posting Jack.

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