Advice please--change trash pick up from individual totes to bulk large dumpster?

looking to close on my first park soon. The trash and recycling trucks (2 passes per week total) are killing my roads. Has anyone converted from individual totes to a large dumpster in front of the park? How do I sell this to my tenants being that I will raise rents, etc with a new park? Thoughts and suggestions?

Thank you


I’d think long and hard about switching to a large dumpster. My first park had a large dumpster and we switched to individual totes. The large dumpster is too anonymous. People throw trash everywhere, and no one cares to clean it up. Cats and dogs in the neighborhood drag it around. People take responsibility for individual totes or their trash does not get picked up. My new park has two dumpsters and I spend two mornings a week cleaning up trash from the wooden enclosure, streets, and yards. It is always waste food and dirty diapers. We put in an enclosure with a front gate. People just flung their trash bags into the enclosure and missed the dumpster. The dumpster also attracts contractors and families trying to get rid of tires, TV’s, mattresses, and construction debris. I vote for fixing the streets.

I agree with Rikkie, I have had a 6 cy dumpster on site for my two years of ownership and experience the same issues. People dump garbage all over the ground, they don’t bother to put large items in it and leave them next to the dumpster for me to pick up, cats pull garbage out of the dumpster, non residents dump trash there, etc etc etc. I am having my dumpster removed next week and everyone will be responsible for either signing up for curb side pick up or taking trash to the transfer station across the street and down the road.

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