Additions to homes

A couple of park residents, against park rules, built small rooms onto their homes without permission from either us, the owners, and they ddid not get permits from the county.( One was built by a previous owner, one by the current owner.) Ugh. I’m not sure how to handle this. If I report them to the county, the county might fine us, as property owners, rather than the mobile home owners. Would you issue a rule violation notice, insisting that they tear down the structures or what? Has anyone had experience with this?

I would be curious to hear others responses on this

I’ve personally never heard of a park owner getting fined for such additions. The park is not the owner of the home and didn’t build the addition, so it would seem odd for the park to get fined.

My uneducated inclination would be to do nothing if the addition looks fine, and tell them to take it down if the addition makes the park look bad aesthetically. Generally though I’m not too perturbed by this stuff - the resident is in some sense showing pride of ownership in their home.

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It will depend on the appearance of the addition. If you want them removed I would report them to the building inspector and tell them the addition is not and will not be approved by the community owner. If you want to allow them to be kept they will need to apply for the permit and have them pass inspection.
Home owners can not get a building permit from the county without the community owner giving the township their approval.
When I purchased my community the first thing I did was begin a program to bring every home owner/lot into compliance. I used this to get rid of all additional sheds (1 allowed per lot) and to keep all sheds under 100 sq. ft. in size.

In the case of the current owner, rumor is that he is renting out rooms, but I so far have no proof of it. He is our least desirable resident, and the addition is not a nice-looking one. I’ve been thinking of hiring a PI for surveillance, but making him tear down the addition might solve this room rental issue indirectly. I just cited him for cleaning up his yard, which only one nice elderly couple can see, so next will be this.

What did you end up doing with this tenant addition? I am dealing with this currently and came here to see if anyone had good suggestions. I will definitely issue a violation but I am not sure if I should enforce the tear down.

If you issue a violation you will have only two options…have the owner get a building inspection/permit and bring it up to code (probably not possible) or insist it be removed. Issuing a violation notice requires that you take action. If you do not intend to follow through do not issue a notice.

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