Thanks to:
Lonni and Joanne Scruggs
Karl Warner
Steve Case
Fred balke
Jim and Ellen Brenn
Ryan Needler
Daphne and John
Michael Stillfield
Jad (and his wonderful wife)
Roy and his ENTIRE family
and everyone else that pitched in and shared at MOMVI. I am in shock. my mind is in spin cycle. I learned soooo much at MOM.
I heard calls for hard money needed and at the meeting I heard folks tell how all they do now is hard money lending. Folks wanting to trade boats for a mobile home and folks wanting to trade a mobile home for???
It did not end on Sat, for me. Sunday had 5 die-hards come visit me at the retail lot, come to my home and meet my family and look at 5-7 L/H’s started or finished (nearly). Some of these packages were good, some were bad, some are true trash…but they LOVED them all…from 199K triples on 3 acres to flea infested rat traps on a littered lot! WOW!!!
One of the high points of the meet was to meet Karl’s wife Julie and his precious son Kasch (i hope this is spelled right.)
Another was Fred and Rick providing free t-shirts for this MOM…WOW
The one downside for me was not having the time to spend quality time with friends during these meets. Steve and Lonnie and Shell ad infinitum travel great distances and I can’t spend much time with them. It doesn’t take a lot of money to host these events, but focus and time are very short.
Please don’t think I don’t treasure one on one, but I get wiped out doing these events. Steve Case, Lonnie, and others there know the rigors of trying to tie these events up in a neat bow.
Karl showed us all the difference between a MHP or trailer park from a community. His Park showed pride of ownership to any and all…he is a private person and a warm thanks Karl for allowing us a look at a true jewel.
We are tentativel scheduled to have the next MOM near Jim and Ellens Park in Troy, AL. These are special folks that have helped me at EVERY MOM meeting…I am toying with doing a L/H there and showing this with the Park next year…waddyathink? Worth doing?
Humble thanks to all that attended,
Greg Meade