Last year in August, I posted in this forum looking for new investors. The body of that post is below. It worked great and many investors have signed up and purchased their first Lonnie Deals through my company. To date I am proud to say we have done 84 Lonnie Deals for investors! Well, we have opened the doors for more investors once again. I ran home, jumped on the computer and decided to run this post one more time. Trying to think of what I would write, I figured I’d just go back and copy the original post and throw it up here again. So here goes:
My name is Brian Beck and I started a company last year called Capstone Investment Properties LLC. I am an investor with 5 single family homes that are currently on Lease option plans. Last year in July, our area was hit with a huge flood and we all of a sudden had tons of people calling who needed a home fast and inexpensive. I began buying mobile homes and placing these families in the homes. As you can imagine, I ran through my cash pretty quickly.
The returns on these Lonnie Deals were extraordinary so I began marketing the idea to the other investors in our group. I wrote one sales letter for the newsletter that goes to over 400 investors in the area and quickly lined up 22 investors. For a year now, I have been searching out quality mobiles, buying them for the investors, charging a commission and then placing tenant/buyers in the homes for them. I guarantee the people I place in the homes for 3 months, and I pass the investment back to the investor. Average nice mobile home in our area sells for about 5,000 - 8,000 cash.
EXAMPLE: Last month I bought a 1995 Oakwood Single Wide home for 6,000.00. Beautiful 3 bed. 2 bath home with glamour bath in the master bedroom, island in the kitchen, new carpeting, etc. etc. Investor paid me 9,000.00 for it. I sold the home for 16,900.00 at 13.25% interest. The tenant will pay 300.00/month for 7 years. Worst case scenario is the woman pays on time every month and does exactly what she is supposed to do. In that case, my investor only makes 25,739.15 from his 9,000.00 investment. Breaks down to somewhere around 28% return per year! Good enough, right!
In March I attended Mobile Home Millions V, met a lot of excellent people, and came home with a notebook of ideas. Capstone was making money on the commissions, but my business had no equity. So I switched gears and borrowed money from investors, bought the homes and kept them in Capstone’s name. Capstone currently has nearly 200,000.00 in notes! (Hurray for equity!!)
If you want to own your own “Lonnie deal” We charge a fee, do everything for you, including managing the property, collecting payments, fielding phone calls, bookkeeping, 3 day notices if necessary, evictions, etc.
Anyway, why am I telling you this? We have a new sales letter going out in Octobers issue of our local newsletter and I will be taking on new investors. I thought I’d send this out and see if there are any investors out there who are maybe gun shy about their first “Lonnie deal.” Or who want to invest but don’t have the time to go out and find the deals. Or who have money languishing in an account making less than 13% interest and just want a passive investment making 13% and more! Maybe mobiles in your area are a lot more expensive. Here’s a chance to get some of the cheapo deals! Email me ( or give me a call if you are interested or have questions. (440) 549-5957 Thanks a lot!!