Welcome to the Mobile Home Forum

After several months and three different programmers, we finally have a forum that is easy to read and use. A considerable amount of time and effort has gone into this venue so that everyone who wishes will have the opportunity to gather and give information about the wonderful world of mobile home investing.

If you want to find answers about how to make large profits in mobile homes, look no farther. There are several successful investors in our online community that are as close as your keyboard.

Let’s all work together to make this board the internet’s premiere source of information on mobile home investing.

Unfortunately, we were not able to migrate the old posts over from the pre-existing forum. If you would like to view them, there is a link at the top of this page.

Happy investing and we look forward to hearing about your success.

Steve Case

Corey Donaldson

Ernest is still working on his rehabilitation. I spoke with him a couple of weeks ago. He and Janet plan on coming up to Robins for my retirement ceremony on December 9th. I sure do miss our “brainstorming” sessions and his wit.

It looks like my last official day at work will be November 15th. I’ll be leaving soon after that for the Anaheim convention. It’s a happy time, but a sad one in some respects. I worked in an environment that was defined by honesty, integrity, and selfless service. There are some true unrecognized heroes in the military today. Unfortunately, you don’t find this environment in the civilian population very often.

It’s been several months (since June) since I last flew. I do miss it a little bit, but have been throwing the idea around lately about purchasing a small airplane. I’ve got several projects under contract that are 2-4 hours away, so I will need something to get their every once in awhile.

Isn’t it strange Greg, being busy with multiple deals seems to be a way of life now. Once you get into this business and get hooked on it, it’s hard to pass up the good ones that come along. I keep telling Sarah that I’m going to slow down, but she just laughs.

Take care my friend and I look forward to MOM IV.


Steve, Congratulatiions on your retirement. I am a Retired Air Force Msgt. I just bought my first mobile for profit and am still feeling my way along. I have both of Lonnie’s books and Ernest Tews book also. I am glad to hear that Ernest is doing better. I wish I had access to all this material when I first retired. I would still be retired!! It looks like you live by the saying “The harder I work, the luckier I get.” Good luck on your retirement and enjoy your retirement ceremony.

Rich Wright

Central Wisconsin

Rich, I salute you for your dedicated service. As they say, it’s never too late to get started…sounds like you are on your way now. My goal is to never go back to work for anyone. Thanks to Ernest and many others who were generous enough to share their knowledge, I believe the mission will be successful.

Thanks for the retirement well wishes. It should be great…I’ve got a nice surprise for my wife. She’s the one who really deserves the ceremony.

Welcome to the community and I look forward to reading about your success stories.
