Tenant Clogging Main Sewer Line Repeatedly

Mobile home parks here where I reside have strict rules for not more than 2 cats. 12 is way too much. Cats start to mark territories with urine when there are too many. And that is usually around three cats. The homes will never get that stench out as it sinks into the wood, and carpeting, wallboards etc.

Also, some parks hire licensed trappers to remove all the feral cats. Especially in urban areas where too many bring in coyotes.

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We had the same problem with a tenant who repeatedly flushed “flushable” (sic) wipes down our system which clogs the lift station pumps. In any case, after repeated warnings (and denials), we just installed a piece of chicken wire over her sewer outlet. About three days later we got a panic call about sewer spewing under her trailer. We escorted her to the scene and showed her what the problem was. She denied it in the face of evidence right in front of her: “oh, I didn’t do that, someone else must have done that.”

So, we put in a new rule… if you clog or anyone in your home to clog the sewers with any materials that are not water soluble, you are subject to eviction for cause, plus liable for the cost of having the clog fixed.

Did this solve the problem? Kind of. We still have to monitor things carefully. We’ve used the chicken wire trick a couple of times to isolate the offenders. So far, no one has been evicted.

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But then aren’t you blocking everything that goes through the pipes? Thanks.

sounds like you need to redo your community polices especially when it comes to pets and sewer lines probably among other things.

clogged lines has EVER flush wipables, use too much paper, dumped cat litter in the toilet or did anything to cause the problem. And no one EVER poors grease down the drain. The problem is your pipes.

Seriously, if you can, don’t renew her lease!