Newbie-Partnership deals in MHP

I wanted to thank you all for providing much needed information for MHP business. I am interested in mobile home park business and have been reading a lot about it in the MHPS website and this forum so far i have read all free articles from MHPS website, Read all the forum threads, subscribed to newsletter purchased and currently reading the 10/20 system and my next step is to attend the boot camp

I am currently looking for a experienced MHP investor who can act as mentor/investor partner in purchasing a new MHP. I will be actively involved

in managing the MHP right from looking at deals/due diligence and purchase/operations of MHP.

My question is what all the precautions i need to take before undertaking a partnership deal like this when i have only therotical knowledge of park business my field experience has been only going to my local parks 2-3 times and looking at few mobile homes from inside.


Mike Kodemala