Multiple questions

  1. What is the “ideal” lot size for a single or double-wide that gives people a sense of privacy and elbow room?

  2. I need a source for a reliable background check service.

  3. Is skirting a part of the mover’s job, or is it usually a separate service?

Also, what is the typical cost for skirting? Is vinyl the only, or preferred, skirting material?

Bernd Hanak

Lot size? in a park it’s all over the place in my area but I think singlewides should be 6-8 per acre. doubles 4-5 per.

Backrounds? I use credit service. inexpensive and fast.

Skirting? As with every other thing in this biz it’s negotiable. I’m way to cheap at this time to pay for skirting installation (besides my wife Karen helps with that job!) materials cost for a singlewide 550-700

In NY most homes are vinyl it’s the cheapest and easiest.

One problem we have here is snow/ice slides off the roof and falls against the skirting and caves it in then the pipes freeze from the wind (fun-fun)

Prosperous Investing
