Had a call from my contact @ Best Western in Edgewater, FL and he said ALL my reserved block rooms (20) vwere sold out plus 6 others!!! WOW!!!
This is gonna be HUGE. put a tug on 11 more rooms (all they had left) and put me down for 2 ( wouldn’t that have been ironic? Me telling everyone to reserve early and they rent MY room? LOL! There are 9 rooms left and to access please use my name: Ralph Gregory Meade (i know yuck…LOL) and reserve your room. (I am going over Thursday and will help set up for meeting!) Had to reserve in my name with my cc or they would be gone.
they will gladly transfer to your CC with discount intact…Please Hurry!
I am sooo excited. We have some of the very best minds in this field attending… folks coming from PA, NY and Cali. If you are new to mobile home investing please come to this meeting…e-mail or call if you have???
I am figuring 100 folks are coming to this meet…Wow.
See you all there. Happy Holidays all and don’t forget who put the Christ in Christmas!
Greg Meade
352.216.2020 Cell
I’ve been contacted by several people who plan on coming and I reminded each one about the room situation. Tell Karl that he might have to rent out a few of the mobiles at the park for a few nights.
I sure hope the weather is good on Friday morning. Fred, Rick and myself are going to do a flyby of the park on the way to the Edgewater airport while you guys are out there walking around. Don’t let the secret out to Rick, he’s never been up in a small plane and is worried sick about it. I can’t wait to see his face as we do 90 degree banks back and forth over Karl’s park…LOL
Man, this is going to be a great meeting. I can’t wait to hear what the “people in the trenches” are doing. I know that the knowledge gained that weekend will help my business next year.
This year has been a busy, but a prosperous one for me and I give all the credit to Christ, who is the “reason for the season”.
See you soon,
This will be a great meet. We will hear from folks that are living the dream.
I can’t wait!Fly safe~
Hi Guys,
Is there some more information on what this is exactly?