
How should I go about find a mobile home park. Mailing yellow letters? Going to different parks and asking for the owners contact information? I could use as much help as possible so that I can narrow down on a path to follow!




We’ve got a huge portion of our Home Study Course devoted to that topic. It’s way too lengthy to type here. However, the basic categories are 1) website listings 2) direct mail 3) cold call 4) drive by 5) brokers 6) other.



You need to buy the course from Frank and Dave. As Frank said, this topic (and many others) are covered at length in the course. Direct mailers seem to be a great avenue for finding those diamonds in the rough.

I jjust purchased the 10/20 Investment system book. I hope that reveals a few things!

Also, What has been the most successful for mobile home park investors, in regards to marketing? Does anyone have a conversion ratio for direct mail?


you only need one good one. Don’t worry about ratios.

True, I guess I am just overwhelmed in regards to which marketing avenue to take.

direct mail - then return with a phone call, then visit ASAP. Frank?

You’ve got to do them all simultaneously. The more volume of parks you dump through your sorting filter, the better a deal you will find. Volume is the key to success. Don’t just do one item. Hit all internet listings, hit brokers, hit direct mail, hit cold call, drive and talk – do it all. The people who do the best are those that intelligently use their time to achieve maximum volume. Of everything I just named, only direct mail costs you $1 out of pocket – so there’s no reason not to do it all.