Looking for Lender for 1-2M Park in IN. No Scams

Hi guys,

I recently spoke with a private lender who offers 4.5% interest @ 30yr fixed term on MHPs from this forum but he has been raising some red flags for me: asking to wire the downpayment to him instead of directly to title, asking for origination fee to be paid directly to him instead of pay to him by title at closing.

I’ll share some of my information and see if anyone think it would be a good match for partnership / lending opportunity.

I have previously started a freight company, sold to competitor on seller financing term.
I then invested in 4 SFH, bought with cash and renovated, spent around 500k and are now worth 1M. All in just couple month. And is having stable rents coming in.

In total I have around 25k minimum coming in each month for cash flow. However because of the purchase for SFHs I’m low on cash reserves rn.

I just came across an offmarket park in north IN, 10k+ population, 43/48 occupied mostly ToHs and paying rent $375, public utilities. I’m looking for lender that are willing to work with a lower downpayment (5%) for 1-2M Park knowing the cashflow from the park alone will be double the monthly payment, not to mention the strong cashflow from other areas.

If you think this might be a great fit, please feel free to contact me at 626-557-2777 / ly1122why@gmail.com. No SCAMS please.