Insurance /MHP Operation

I currently own 20 of the homes in my park valued at $425,000, I have between $7,000 - $62,000 invested in each. I offer them for sale…if they don’t sell right away, I lease them. I need coverage on the units for a catastrophic type event (tornado - wildfire ect.) in which I would incur loss of $20,000+.

I have been unable to get such policy, and have been insuring each unit named with $2000 ded. - This coverage really isn’t what I want.

Any help or contacts would be appreciated.


What you are looking for is a special type of “umbrella” policy that covers catastrophic losses only. I don’t know of any company that typically offers this type of policy because most owners want more coverage with a deductible similar to what you have now.

I would contact all 4 of the insurance companies listed in the “resources” section of the website and see if they know of anyone who will write this policy. I’ve heard that Lloyds of London will do these types of things, but I’m not sure if the $20K is too low for them.

Let me know if you find someone who does this.


Shawn thankyou so much for what all you share here. Yall’s park looks great, is a good model, and your web site is awesome and informing and lets me see your operation in a nut shell. Yall seem right on top of the business. I was impressed with your web site and appearance of your homes in place. Bravo!


On the ones you sell, get them to get a homeowners policy, and create an escrow to make sure it’s paid and check it annually, for new delcarations page. It’s best for the homeowner and the lienholder ain’t it? I don’t know the answer about the rentals. Shaun is yall’s lot rent $155?