Hi Vy,
I’m going through the same thing myself right now. For me, I’m going the “buying a business” route, and using an attorney to do this deal.
The realtor will push the “real estate” in the deal, and my attorney is stressing the “business” side of this. ( I trust my attorney. All he deals with is real estate and business purchases.)
Unless your “realtor” is well versed in the buying and selling of a business, you’re going to have a rough row to hoe. Just because thier license “allows” them to sell businesses as well as real estate, that doesn’t make them "knowledgable in the proper procedures. (Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.)
While this MAY be my first foray into the MHP business, it’s not my first in the business world. (30 years of being self employed.)
DO NOT buy thier “corporation”. That’s the biggest landmine people step on in buying a new business. There MAY be a “tax bomb”, litigation, or any number of bugaboo’s preparing to spring on the current owner.
Yes, people MAY spring the " track record" angle on you when buying a business ( For ease of obtaining money, credit, etc.). But you’re buying a business people NEED, not something that may be highly leveraged in sales to create income. This is a MHP, not a manufacturing or distribution business. "ASSET PURCHASE ONLY.
If you haven’t “already”, I would suggest buying one of the excellent references by either Steve Case, or Ray Alcorn. (No. I get no “affiliate” payment for recommending them. THEY have been there, done that, and got the T-shirt ALSO.)
Good luck, and good hunting.
Marc Ferrell
London, Ontario Canada