Garbage Removal Cost Rule of Thumb

I am looking at a park with approx 200 lots in Ohio and would appreciate a rule of thumb for cost per lot per month for polycart garbage pickup?  Thanks and happy holidays!!!  Bob

$12 per lot per polycart.You can call Refuse Specialists to bid your contracts.  But you owe them 50% of the savings.  I was able to do it myself, and Refuse Specialists could do no better in my markets than $12/month/polycart.Let us know what rates you get.Best,-jl-

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Thanks Jefferson, and congrats! I received 3 bids for polycarts.  One for $10 per lot and we would could purchase the carts used for $40. If we didn’t purchase the carts they would charge an additional $5 per lot per month.   Another one was for $11.95, and another for $14.50.  This is actually less than half of what the park is paying now!!!  Looks like they are asleep at the switch, or some theft with collusion is taking place!! 

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