Coming Back Home To Sacramento, I Decided To Look At Doing Lonnie Deals In Northern California and Would Like Like toHear From Any One That Has Done a Lonnie Deal In California. Has anyone Looked at How Many Mobile Homes Can Be Sold Or Bought Before Becomeing a Mobile Home Dealer. What About USery , I Cant Spell, Laws and They Affect Us. Also Would Like To Hear From The Investors That Already Several Parks, Hopefully CoreyReads This About The 5 Most attractive States To Look at Mobile Home parks In? Millions 5 Was Awesome andI Look Forward To Hearing From You Guys
Thank You Very Much
Greg Burgerson
We were also at MHM 5 and live in the sacramento area. Have you done any Lonnie Deals yet? We had to travel a bit after the conference and now we are back ready to get going. Maybe we can get together and help each other to move forward? We are in the process of negotiatiing with sellers of mobile homes and beginning to meet some park owners and build relationships.
If you are interested in getting together and masterminding some ideas and plans send me an email to
I’m down here in San Diego and will post some ads soon for Lonnie deals.
Some questions though:
Do we need to start an LLC and/or get a business license to do deals?
DMV and licenses: I think there is some legislation that says we need to be licensed before doing deals. Has anyone found out or know what exactly to do?
@argyre: I have the same questions. Would be great to get some more answers. I posted my story in a different thread (before I saw this thread). Mobile Home Park Investing Forum
@paulb5179: I would be interested in getting together to talk about this some more, since we all seem to be in Sacramento.