Application process/background checks

In an attempt to modernize our mom and pop operation we are now doing criminal history background checks on any adult applying to live in the park. In the past our application was ultra basic, we telephoned references, verified employment and if all came back ok you were approved. While this process had been fine for years I started to feel like it was not enough by today’s standards. We have sent a letter to the residents notifying them that all new residents entering the park must have a background check and then be approved by management from now on. We also reminded them that all “guests” staying over two weeks must go through this process as well and unauthorized residency is grounds for eviction.

I was hoping to get some ideas on how to implement these changes. I have an account set up with a background check service. If I am just running criminal background checks with no credit do I need to have applicants sign a release of any kind? I am in Ohio. Would anyone be willing to share their application process or even sample forms they use? All the samples I find on the net seem to be for credit checks. Do you charge an application fee for each person you run a check on? Thanks in advance. Don’t post much here but this forum has been invaluable to me in my mhp education.