Alternatives to Edison?

Have had a lot of problems with Edison Micro Utilities. Suffice it to say many residents are (justifiably) upset every month due to billing errors and I don’t want to hear it anymore. Has anyone used a rent/utility collection service with whom they are happy?


Rolf Jacobs

Wheat Hill Mobile Home Community

(330) 426-9558


I’m in the middle of submetering the large park we picked up in December with NES (National Exemption Service). I found them on the internet under

They supplied the meters and we installed them. It is a touchpad system where their guy comes out and reads every month and they handle the billing.

Everything was going good until the guy came out to do a cursory read last week and none of the meters read on his machine. As it turns out, they sent us the wrong meters. They say it will be fixed on their dime, I’ll update as to their progress.
