What minimum market lot rent or market poh rental rent would you invest in?

Is there a market lot rent or market poh rental rent that is too low to be attractive to invest in for you? Thank you

I never really care about the POH lot rent even when its high. I like the Frank and Dave mantra the money is in the lot rents. The lowest market lot rent rent I tried to buy was 180 but everything on the deal was great with upside ( that park was at 140 i think) .

Other than that, i think 200 is the threshold but really would prefer 250 with good future prospects ( i.e. 2 bed apartment rents are 750 and lot rents 250).

I think if i lived in a 150 market and thats what was around me close by, i knew it and was comfortable with it, id probably go for it BUT i want everything else to be good!

Great question, looking forward to other responses.

I would take a 75 lot rent ( in a 300 dollar market any day of the week though :slight_smile: )

Thanks for the reply. I feel pretty much the exact way about the lot rent and 2 bed apartment comps. I think a $200 is the minimum that seems to start making financial viability and $250 is where I start to feel at a fairly comfortable profitability. I agree with your last part lol if one of use finds it.

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