Using Slack and other task management software

Curious to see if any other owners are using slack for their communictions with managers and workers. We just implemented it companywide and have really enjoyed it. It has drastically cut emails. Also, weve implemented todoist which is a task management app. We use Rent manager but we just werent loving the task management part of it. Todoist integrates with slack which makes it all pretty seamless. Would love to hear what other people are using .

Hey Steven! Rent Manager here - we would love to learn more about what you are looking for in regards to communication and task management. Feel free to send me a private message at any time or submit any feature requests here: Submit a Feature Request - Rent Manager Property Management Software so we can learn how we can improve our software in these areas to be a better fit for your business. Thanks!

@steven We use Asana for project management. The tool is amazing and free for up to 15 users
here how we use it - YouTube

RentManager is good for managing the park but not tasks.

Property management software is terrible at communications - even the best prop management software - compared to best-of-breed standalone solutions.

  • List item Slack - yes but only for comms with people I have to speak with almost all the time. Slack is a productivity killer for most all of us who are not constantly needing to communicate.

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Asana’s task discussion threads and super-efficient and fast in-box feed and mobile apps rule task management better than almost any other tool. I basically live inside Asana.

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For predictive project management with resource planning → Liquid Planner is king.

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Maintenance worker reporting - - has some killer features for maintenance men that Asana’s mobile app lacks - easy tools for compressed videos, dictation, photos, audio recordings and the ability to do all of it with no wireless connection and then automatically upload to the cloud when back in range of wifi or cellular access.

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OKR / Company-wide planning: Weekdone and now