Upgrading Costs from 30/50AMP to 200AMP

Does anybody know roughly how much it costs to upgrade from 30/50 AMP to 200AMP?

I’m looking at a ~ 30 acre park right now that has ~100 RV sites and ~60 MHP pads that needs to be upgraded.

I pay about 900-1K

My average is around $400-500 but I’ve have had conversions run up to 1k with new wire being needed… This is a question for a local electrician or three IMHO.

Best wishes,

Ryan Needler

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This is a sore subject. lol :slight_smile: My first park called Christoval Estates (a/k/a Chernobyl Estates) needed the electrical infrastructure upgraded. It has been very expensive and time consuming. The cost to date is $200,000+

This is one of the parks that we have in San Angelo and use as a training ground for the MH Bootcamp. Students are amazed at how much work is required and money needed to upgrade the infrastructure. Steve has a field day with this park on due diligence!

It has been a great park to show students what not to do. It also has been a HUGE learning experience that I would not want to duplicate again!

I would think long and hard before you take on a MHP that needs infrastructure upgrades. Not only the money but the time required to do a massive upgrade on a MHP is enormous.
