Thank you! MHM IV was AWESOME!

Steve and I want to thank everybody that attended Mobile Home Millions IV in Orlando (all 275+). The three day event was just incredible. All of the speakers, Jim Clayton, Dyches Boddiford, Frank Rolfe, Matt Daniels, Steve Waite, and Michael Power were absolutely outstanding!

I am extremely appreciative to Jim Clayton for telling his powerful story, being so accessible to everybody at Mobile Home Millions, as well as being an inspiration to us all.

The event included a welcome reception (that included a live 90 minute preformance by Jim Clayton and a very special girl Logan Murrell), the roundtables, networking opportunities, and all of the education. I think most people were definitely exhausted by the end of the 3 days (as was I).

I really look forward to Mobile Home Millions as it is a way to see old friends and make new ones. I am convinced that the mobile home park industry has the best people in the world. Everybody is so eager to help others. I feel very fortunate to be part of Mobile Home University organization and to be around such great people. I am already looking forward to the next Mobile Home Millions event in Phoenix, Arizona!

If you missed this once in a lifetime opportunity to be part of this event, don’t fret, we audiotaped it all! Blake will be sending out an email within the next week letting you know how you can obtain the audio recording and workbook.


When is the next one? I wanted to get it scheduled now!



THANK YOU! Mobile Home Millions was awsome!!! Roberta and I really had a great time and met some great people.

Thank you so much.

Vince and Bertie