Selling Park need Rent Roll Template and should I raise rent

I am selling a 60 unit park. I need to do a rent roll. 53 occupied spaces. I need to find a template to use that shows both rent and (water sewer and garbage). We have not raised rent since 2015 due to new water meter system. I want to raise rent now. I didn’t because of signed contract. Also didn’t advertise to fill vacant lots to RVs for summer because buyer wanted to hold off on that. Now dropping 1st contract. Have 2nd buyer who wants me to sign a contract asap. I’m afraid that if I don’t raise rent now I will be caught up in a contract which may not pan out. I am removing three abandoned homes, doing tree work. street work, lawyer and title work. Property tax will be prorated. I may not have enough money to pay for all expenses I am taking on. ideas?

I will see if I can send you an excel template I use.

It is probably a good idea to raise rents. Where is your park?

Continue to run the park as if you weren’t selling it… so go ahead and raise the rent. If you aren’t already in the process of doing the maintenance you mention, don’t and pass that along to the buyer - and offer him a discount. If you don’t have enough funds for the lawyer and title work, ask the buyer to cover that and offer them a discount. I’m in the market to buy - if the deal doesn’t work out let’s talk.

I’ll send you my template.