Routine maintenance on park owned homes

For various reasons it has made more sense in my park so far to use the rent credit program over 3rd party financing, and as my park is filling up I’m acquiring more and more homes of various ages.

I think it would be worthwhile to have my maintenance contractor spend 15 minutes a unit once a year going through each home and checking on various prevantitive maintenance and safety items. Here’s a list I’ve come up with:

-Check that smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are present and work when tested
-Check that the furnace filter is present and in good condition
-Drain 1/4 of the water heater to remove sediment, and check the sacrificial rod
-Check the condition of the roof for any obvious rusting or significant issues

Does anyone have any suggestions or modifications to the above?

I have a similar checklist. I have the manager go around to each home quarterly with a checklist and check
smoke, carbon monoxide detectors, steps, handrails, leaks, overall condition, resident complaints.
Then fax to our office. The insurance company recommended we do this in case there are any claims or problems.