Resident owned homes/Land

I have a park in Thousand Palms, CA, its 1,800 plus spaces and we only own the amenities. We recently had a resident sell his home and sub-lease the land. We don’t deal with many ROC’s so my question is:

Is this something that is possible? The HOA is saying no one should be sub-leasing the land after the sale of a home, I am going through the by-laws and CC&R’s to see what I can find.

Would anyone have any insight on this subject?

Thank you!

Your county / state laws should have the answer that will supercede (sp?) whatever rules are set in your park.

Thank you for the response, tried to go through Riverside country and it would seem the website is under construction for the answers I need.

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I would bug the county via the phone or walk in to their office if their website is not working. Might be worth the fight in traffic.