Rent Manager integrator

Does anyone have a Rent Manager Developer they have used on, Fiverr, upworks, Frelance etc? Rent Manager wanted $1800 to set up some automated forms and such and am sure there is a cheaper way to have some of this automation done?

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Any developer you choose is going to run between $1000-2000.
The average developer makes between $70-120k/yr. We have in-house developers and they are not cheap!

Rent Manager, is giving you a fair price if they are custom developing automated forms. Unless you have the option to go in and set them up yourself. There are 3 basic sides to development - framework, development, design. Depending on what needs to be built out, you could be looking at a few days to a week before dev is complete.

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I had my property manager move everything over into our Rent Manager. It was too much to have Rent Manager integration.

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I hired a developer on Upwork for $20/hr and had him make a custom system using Google Sheets. I have a Google form my managers use to enter expenses and it has a spot to upload a receipt picture. Then it is all automated from there into the p&l. I have a second Google form where rent roll is entered. This is also all automated from this point into the P&L and automates invoices/Recepits to tenants. Fully automated and accessible from anywhere in the world on the Google Drive all for $300 and no monthly subscription.
Only downside is Google knows more about me and my business than I do…


It’s not hard to do. What kinds of forms do you need created? Are you using the online version of RM or standalone?

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Can you elaborate on this a little further.