Park water off - what about water heaters?

Long story short - I had to shutoff the parks water yesterday. I didn’t even think about the water heaters (I don’t own the units). Water will be off for another day or two. What should I tell the tenants to do with water heaters - don’t assume the tenants know what the should/shouldn’t do. Thanks

Some could have check valves–if no water in tanks–elements could be destroyed.
Could knock on doors and tell them to turn off breaker to water heater but really more than 12 hours without water is not acceptable and the health department might get wind of the problem. For the last 4 days we had problems, change booster pump, pressure regulator etc. We keep spare pumps in stock for such emergencies–our residents were without water 20 minutes!!! Keep on very good terms with the water well people!!!so your are first in an emergency!!

You should send out a advisory to your tenants inform them of what actions to take in the event of a extended power outage. The same would apply when it is necessary for you to turn off the water. These situations of extended outages are inevitable whether a power issue or park issue. The problem is that when the power goes off and there is no water tenants still tend to use their water until the system is drained. This can result in emptying hot water tanks and burning out elements. Hot water tanks should be shut off.

It is obviously too late now but you should inform tenants for future reference.
I also advise new tenants that they should keep a jug (5gal) of water as a back up for drinking for when the power is off.

Got the water riser replaced and water back on. All the water heaters survived. I have some things to work on from the comments . Thanks.

Those with electric heating elements should turn the connected breaker off. If not, the water drains out, and the calcium and other accumulated mineral deposits can short out the elements. Eddie@