Newbie question City Water - Septic tanks

Hi all, I have a park that I’m attempting to evaluate that is off-market and in the same city as another park of mine. This particular park is about one block outside of the city limits but is on city water with a 1:1 ratio of homes to septic tanks. From my understanding, septic tanks should be pumped between 3-5 years, but in the 19 years the owner has only pumped 4 tanks. What would this mean for the leech field? The park has 8.7 acres of land with only 26 spaces, but I am not sure how large the leech field is. What are the questions you would ask the seller to attempt to get an early impression of the health of the system?



I would hire a septic expert to do the check and hopefully certify the years remaining on the septic tanks. In some areas if the septic tank is large and it is sand, you don’t have the empty the tank that often.

The good news is the ratio is 1:1. So, you can also estimate how many septic tanks you will have to replace and the cost of replacing/year and build this in your expenses.

All the best!

Thank you very much Dallas!