Murphysboro, IL - Assignment up for grabs

Just to save most of you time, I’ll start with the deal killers
-This is a NO Occupancy park (completely vacant)
-Sewer Lagoon
-Well water (3 wells)
-Many park owned homes (again vacant, likely bad condition)

Now why it might be worth considering:

  • 50 Lots
  • A sizeable single family home (good condition)
  • Less than 3 miles to a Walmart
  • Good roads (asphalt)
  • $110,000 Purchase price (includes assignment fee)

Carbondale-Marion Metro Area
126,828 Metro Pop.
$97,600 Median home price

If you have the time to work on this park, there is upside to be had.
Please call or text me to discuss 512-931-4433

Is city sewer nearby?

City sewer is not close enough to be considered

How many POH are in place? Any information on condition of WWTP?

George - there are probably 20 POH, however, they are likely not salvageable