Mobile Home Park Staffing

I would like some feedback from park owners on staffing. For a mobile home park consisting of 200 units what type of staffing do you use in addition to your Property Manager? I’m trying to develop a plan for how much additional help I need to hire.

Depends on whether you have rentals (-) or well-trained tenants (+). I’d estimate 2 FTE with range of 1-3 depending on how much you contract out versus do in house. You have a choice of your team mows the lawn, unstops the sewer, etc, or you call a professional. You know how it is…work expands to fill the availability of your staff you hire.


I’ve been thinking about my previous answer and for 200 lots actively filled, I think double that estimate I had before to 2-6.

Jobs for FTE or more or less:

Assistant Manager
Salesperson (Homes)
(Homes) Maintenance Supervisor

We have a 1/2 FTE as Groundskeeper and 1.5 Manager at our “easy” city but we’re looking to fill all of these at our “hard” city and 10+ under maintenance besides.

So it varies according to what you can expect one, two, three, people to accomplish and what your goals are. If your goal is “status quo no change” then fewer are needed. IF you want to implement big change, more are needed because dealing with POH is a HASSLE.

Demand cures a lot of illnesses, and POH hassle and payroll bloat I hope is one of them. But on the other hand I feel like there is a trend to under-value or underpay management. I would estimate 10% or more of the gross goes to onsite management.