MHP Management Companies - Suggestions?

Looking for a MHP management company, is there a good place to look for one? Suggestions?

Thanks for the help!

Maybe try one of the MHP REITs or larger park owners? Jefferson etc?

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The two traded REITs (ELS & SUI) don’t third party manage. Used to work for ELS and we did not 3rd party manage.

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I met a woman named Maria Horton, Director Of Marketing for Newport Pacific Capitol Co. Inc. at Tex-Co and they do MHC management nationwide. Her contact email is is I only have one park so I don’t require management services. I can’t give a reference on how they are to work with, but you could send her an email and see what they offer and check it out for yourself.

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Thanks @Jsmith, I appreciate your help!

Thanks @newwisconsinbuyer!

I say this: Be careful using Mgt companies. You pay a lot usually, and they are not always that detailed, use the best people, etc. I bet you can do it better without them.


Thank you for help @Zepp

Good to have a buffer between you and tenants on rent collection, rent increases and rules violations especially if you are absentee owner. Fee is negotiable and should include latest mhp software for accurate reports. If they have other parks nearby they manage it helps with coverage for manager vacations or replacement

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