Looking for Leasing Agent

Have any of you used a leasing agent or Renter Text to fill vacant homes and vacant lots? We’re having some success with craigslist but I would like to automate the process and relieve the onsite manager from having to do this type of work. Any advice would be more than welcome! Will

We’re going through some of the same challenges. We also use RenterText but have found some managers have difficulty at different points in the sales process and can’t close. Some don’t pick up calls. Some have diffculty “hearing” the prospect’s needs and meeting those needs. We’re exploring how our operations director can get more involved in the sales cycle, at minimum in closing a prospect on the next step of the process, whether it’s setting an initial appointment, getting the application, or taking the move in money. We’ve been lucky that many of our on site managers are good salespeople, but luck is not a strategy

I didn’t know about Renter Text and am looking forward to trying it!