How should the MHP inspection be performed

I am in the process of purchasing a MHP with 26 lots, and want to learn how the inspections for the MHP should be performed before the purchase is closed. Thanks.

All facilities for the public areas within the property should be inspected, all roads, lights, plumbing, out buildings/maintenance shops, water source (if private, if city not a big deal) and fixtures interior and exterior, all POH’s as well inside and out. Should have someone familiar with inspecting MH’s - might find through local appraiser groups. You can break it up to save cost and have the fire marshall do that part and perhaps the hydrants, also a local electrician can do the electrical checks, plumber for the other. Depending on the area, you can cut the expense down by having contractors that are really experienced do the bits of it. You could also get a road surfacing company in to bid repair/give estimate on that … usually free for that :slight_smile: Save a penny earn a penny. However, might be time ahead to hire a guy, just depends on the due diligence time line you’re fighting.