
I have seen it mentioned somewhere but I can’t fine information on this web site concerning the cruise.

Someone please tell me where to go-----ahh-- just a figure of speech.




We just finalized the details and will have information up on the website very soon. I can tell you that it will be July 27th - August 3rd and the cruise will originate and end in Seattle, WA and travel through the Alaskan Inner Passage.

This education on the cruise will center around financing and the theme is “Financing for the Ages”. The speakers will be Dyches Boddiford, Corey and myself. We could only secure 50 cabins for the cruise, so it will be limited to 100 people.

With Mobile Home Millions just a few weeks away, we are all going a mile a minute and probably won’t have time to post the exact details for a few weeks.

If you have any questions before it’s posted, please let me know.
